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Management Plans

We advertise vacancies on 50+ websites 


No Cost to Get Started

No Start-Up Fees
No Processing Fees


Call to get started

We'll chat about our systems & if it's a good fit, we'll send you a link to signup online and share our private owners-only phone number.


If the home is vacant, we'll:

  • Purchase and install a fixed lockbox on the garage door frame near the keypad.

  • Take marketing pics, marketing video

  • If you don't already have them, we'll install Kwikset smart locks to avoid the locksmith expense during turnovers.

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Current tenant?

If you already have a tenant, we'll:

  • Install the lockbox.

  • Help the tenant login so they can pay rent & request maintenance in our system.


Our system syndicates to 50+ websites so you'll get the maximum exposure. Our website will have HD pics and videos as well.


Tenant Screening

We review income and pull credit, criminal, & eviction background checks.

Underwriting criteria

Move-in inspections

Good tenants aren't born. They are created. After filming a 10-20 minute HD video inspection, we we teach each new tenants how to properly care for the building materials in this particular home & explain that we don't want to bill them for damage but we are required to if they cause problems.



We inspect the home 4 months prior to lease expiration to determine:

  • If we should offer a renewal should based on how the tenant has cared for the home.

  • If we should increase rent or not. 


We text you our decision with a link where you can override our decision with just a few clicks.


We send the renewal lease to the tenant 3 months before expiration and they have 30 days to sign or we take other action.


A similar process occurs when we receive a move-out notice.

  • We'll text you notice of the turnover with a link to update rent, pet policy, etc.

  • We meet the tenant at the property to coach them on how clean and make repairs. 

  • Then after the move-out inspection, we dispatch to have everything completed that they failed to accomplish. Cost is billed to the tenant.

  • Then we repeat the entire marketing, screening, and other processes. 



Click to request a management agreement once you are ready to signup

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